A few things to note:

If you did not show up on the roster last week, it’s because you used the multi roster function when you registered; it doesn’t work, so you’ll need to register again and pay for your second and third teams. If you used the promo codes incorrectly. I’ll be tracking you down for additional payments.All teams must…


Please check the game schedules before your games because they can change, particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when some games are played on the grass fields. The grass fields will be closed if we get too much rain like we did the last few days. Enrique is going to send an email to all the…


The fall season starts this week and I know everyone is excited to play again, but before you do, you must sign a waiver. The referees will have the waivers on the field for you to sign before your games this week. Please read the Return to Play Guidelines on the website. It’s important that…


Just a reminder that ALL PLAYERS must register the day before their game or earlier to be on the roster to play. We are not issuing passes to play anymore; players cannot show up and expect to play that night.  If you have players that you know have trouble registering, you can register them or…


Player registration is open. Before you register please read the welcome page, it has the promo codes you’ll need when registering. ONLY PLAYERS THAT PAID THE SPRING FEES ARE ENTITLED TO THE SPRING SEASON DISCOUNT. I know everyone is excited about playing again, but there are some things to consider before registering. It’s your responsibility…


Please read the registration page before registering for the fall season. The promo codes to get the spring season discount are on that page. Only players that paid in full for the spring season are entitled to use the promo codes. I’ll be checking everyone’s registration and collecting the difference if you used the promo…


I got confirmation today from the County that we can start the fall season on September 14th. If you haven’t already entered your team you have until Friday the 21st to do so. Player registration will open on Monday August 24th. The fall season format will be 10 games, with playoffs for the top four…

GCASL STARTS – week of September 14th!

Return to Play Guidelines – CLICK TO READ – The fall season will start the week of September 14th, This of course is subject to change. We will be following strict return to play guidelines put out by the County and the FSSA. Ultimately though, it’ will be each players responsibility to follow the CDC…